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COVID-19: A Rare Reference

Ataul-Karim Gohar

On Saturday, 5th October 1907 in Brisbane, Australia, a unique ‘Religious Manifesto’ was published in the Telegraph [1]. On page 12 of this reputable newspaper, an article was published that outlined a set of important guidelines for the health and safety of people facing an epidemic.

This was a rare insight into how a Muslim leader from a small, rural village in India, reached out to his community members across the globe, to advise them of precautionary measures to safeguard themselves from the Bubonic Plague of 1896.

At the onset of the 20th Century, the world faced many epidemics in different places, none less severe than the Bubonic Plague outbreak in India where it has been said that people were ‘dying in the streets like dogs[2]. The instructions in the article were given at a time when the world feared a repeat of the previous catastrophic Bubonic Plague, ‘The Black Death’ in 1346-53. Historian Ole Benedictow describes this as “The Greatest Catastrophe Ever” that “killed 50 million people” or “60 percent of Europe’s entire population.” [3]

It is interesting to look back at this article at a time when the world is going through a similar, if not worse, situation with more than 15 million cases worldwide, and figures increasing daily.

In this article, Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad, the founder of the worldwide Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, issued a statement to guide his followers in regard to the deadly plague.

Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad claimed to be the Promised Messiah awaited by all major religions. His instructions were a breath of fresh air in a time when the Muslim community started to suffer from educational and religious decadence. The effects of which we still witness today in various parts of the world due to extremist clerics who continue to misguide their followers.

The astonishing thing to note is that this man had such a powerful message, that it was reprinted right here in Australia. In this announcement, The Promised Messiah (may peace be on him) reiterates the Government’s guidelines to evacuate a plague-stricken area/building and move to an open space. He particularly emphasised that his community must follow these governmental guidelines as they have been devised “for the welfare of the people.”

It [the government] has spent hundreds of thousands of rupees for the safety of the lives of those who live under it. None is more foolish than the person who looks with distrust upon the Government measures.” [1]

His Holiness states that Muslims should above all, show obedience to the orders of the government because “your example can be an (exemplary) example to save the lives of many.” [1] This is, in fact, a teaching that the Holy Prophet Muhammad (Peace and Blessings be upon him) also preached, as he is recorded to have said:

You are obligated to hear and obey (the ruler) in prosperity and adversity, willingly or unwillingly, and even when you are treated unjustly.” [4]

This in itself is clear evidence that Muslims should be truly loyal to their country, not only in good times but more importantly, at times of trial as well; an important instruction provided in this ‘Religious Manifesto’.

Hence, we see today that places around the world where citizens have complied with their government’s instructions are now doing far better in terms of heading back on to the road of recovery.

Likewise, in the article, His Holiness further expounds on the instructions of the government and says he is fully confident in the guidelines as an efficient remedy through supporting evidence from the time of the Holy Prophet (Peace and Blessings be upon him),

Our Holy Prophet, upon whom be peace and the blessings of God, also directed that when the plague makes its appearance in any town, the people living at the infected place should immediately evacuate it and that otherwise, they would be fighting with God.” [1]

Does ‘Social Distancing’ ring a bell?

The Holy Prophet is recorded to have said: ‘those with contagious diseases should be kept away from those who are healthy.’

Similarly in a Friday Sermon dated 19th June 2020, the Caliph of His Holiness Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad, His Holiness Mirza Masroor Ahmad, presented the following narration to an international audience:

“When the second Caliph of the Holy Prophet was traveling to Syria, he abruptly changed his decision and returned home because an epidemic had occurred in those lands. Upon this one of his companions asked: “Are you running away from what Allah had ordained?” `Umar replied, “Would that someone else had said such a thing, O Abu ‘Ubaida! Yes, we are running from what Allah had ordained to what Allah has ordainedDon’t you agree that if you had camels that went down a valley having two places, one green and the other dry, you would graze them on the green one according to the decree of Allah, and you would graze them on the dry one also only in accordance with the decree of Allah?” Meaning that everything in existence has ultimately been designed by God to operate in a specific manner; hence, it is up to us how we either benefit or suffer from its design. Another companion of the Holy Prophet further added ‘Abdur-Rahmān bin ‘Awf, “I have some knowledge about this. I have heard Allah’s Messenger saying, ‘If you hear about it (an outbreak of plague) in a land, do not go to it. But if the plague breaks out in the land where you are staying, do not flee away from it.” [5]

Just like his predecessor, His Holiness Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad supporting the government guidelines further commented: “Even today we can see that the countries that implemented a lockdown earlier have been able to control the pandemic more successfully, whereas it is continuing to spread in other countries.” [4]

This lesson is becoming increasingly more important at a time when states are re-opening their borders despite the re-emergence of the virus in some parts of Australia.

Incredibly, such sound understanding was presented by an unlettered man, The Holy Prophet of Islam, Muhammad (Peace and Blessings be upon him) more than 1400 years ago in an area of the world and time when the world was drowned in the dark ages. Then a man who claimed to be his Messiah reiterated them once again, just over 100 years ago from a small village in India at a time when the Muslim community was being plagued with extremism and anti-western sentiments were being promoted.

What’s more, now a successor of this Messiah is again presenting this same sound understanding in the present day at a time when the Muslim community is clearly fragmented and the world at large is suffering from polarisation.

As a Muslim who believes in this Messiah and follows his Caliph it is reinvigorating to see the teachings of the Holy Prophet of Islam is represented through their leadership in such times of confusion.



AcknowledgmentsWe sincerely thank Masood A Shahid (Minister of Religion) and Dr Tariq A Mirza for providing insight into this rare article published in The Telegraph

[A link to the Religious Manifesto can be found here]

  2. p.256
  4. Gardens of the Righteous by Muhammad Zafrulla Khan, Hadith number 670, p.136

About the Author

Ataul-Karim Gohar

Ataul Karim Gohar is a year 11 student currently completing secondary school education with interests in both academics and sports, with an aspiration to become a Minister of Religion. He has extensive proficiency in public speaking and broadcast media, winning multiple awards and recognition for his achievements. He is also an experienced, skillful writer and enjoys writing expositions on faith and current affairs.

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